The wait is finally over, as locals and foreigners alike celebrate embracing the change of seasons in Costa Rica. The first rains of the year come as a blessing after a hot and dry “summertime” which normally lasts from January to April, and mother nature has begun her beautiful metamorphosis by providing a spectacular show of multi-toned greenery and exotic flowers bursting with colors. The howling of the monkeys and the song of the toucans joyfully announcing the arrival of the rains is very contagious and encourages us humans to go outside and do our own “rain dance” to show our appreciation. There is no special way to do this, the only rule being that it involves getting soaking wet and feeling the heavy raindrops spattering your face!
With the rains’ arrival letting us know the “green season” is finally here, visitors as well as residents can finally look forward to cooler days and fewer crowds at their favorite local haunts. Whether it be the beach or the mountains, both the flora and fauna literally come alive at this time of the year after enduring little to no rainfall for a period of almost four months. Those who suffer from respiratory related allergies are able to breathe easier now as dust and pollen which are prevalent during our “dry season” are washed away due to the daily showers which grace us with their presence again. The sound of a giant collective sigh of relief is almost discernible if you listen closely, as all living things express their appreciation for the arrival of the rains.
For those of you who enjoy eating tropical fruits, the rains bring an array of options to for your dining delight. Mangoes, cashews and water apples are the big “fruit stars” of this time of year, with wild and cultivated trees all over the local area providing a bounty of delicious and refreshing nourishment for both humans and animals alike. For people who call Dominical and its surrounding area home, the best part of the year begins now, as daily temperatures drop considerably and the sun is not present for the duration of the whole day as cloud cover normally provides us all with cooler temperatures.
Tourists worldwide are starting to catch on and are booking their vacations during this wonderful time of the year, providing local businesses with more year-round clientele. This is a great help to the local economy because in the past international visitors came predominantly between the months of December to March, causing a lot of establishments to reduce their staff or even close all together until the next tourism season rolled around again. Thankfully, this is a growing trend and is helping create a much more stable commercial environment which attracts investing entrepreneurs from around the whole world.
This time of the year marks a transition and it is nice to see that as whole, this little piece of paradise is able to offer us more and more options of things to do and places to see all year. The “dry season”, also known locally as the summertime, will always be the favored time of year for most tourists who come to visit this beautiful country, but for the folks who decide to visit during the less well known time there is a wide variety of fun things to do and see waiting to be discovered. So for now, enjoy what the rains bring and be happy!