Learn About Us

Dominical Rentals has deep roots which stretch back more than 20 years through a lifelong passionate dedication to the Luxury Hospitality Industry.

Jessica on one hand has a very strong administration background and incredible local know-how which is an unbelievable plus for many reasons. Her previous positions include senior manager, and sales manager of distinct companies. Prior to her university studies, she spent over a year in the United States on an international English language program. She is completely fluent in both English and Spanish which is a great asset for the company.

On the other hand, Louey pursued his career in the international luxury hotel sector, having worked his way up to managing various premiere establishments. Living and working abroad for most of his life is what enabled him to garner his passion for high end international quality standards.

They both had a strong yearning to put their combined skills and experience towards something that would enable them to express their desire to always aspire for the best, no matter the circumstances.

Bringing together the expertise and professionalism of two individuals with very different specialized skills is what makes this company stand out from the rest.

"Great companies don't set out to be the leader, they set out to make a difference"

What We Do

Our mission is to offer guests the most
enjoyable experience, creating unforgettable memories at affordable prices.

There is nowhere else on earth like Southern Costa Rica. The moment you arrive in Dominical, you enter a mysterious land that’s teeming with wildlife, a place where people have been living in harmony with the environment for millennia.

Costa Rica has established itself as one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world due in large part to its geographic position between the North and South American continents.

Dominical Rentals focuses on helping you create an epic experience in Costa Rica. We have stayed true to our core beliefs and will deliver exceptional services that guarantee a peaceful and enjoyable experience.

Here you’ll see sights that will take your breath away so don’t waste another minute thinking on where to go on your next vacation, come see for yourself and let the adventure begin!

Meet The Team

We are proud of our enthusiastic and dedicated team. We are passionate about what we do, and hold this place we call home close to our hearts.

Louey Moosmann

 Client Services

Born and raised on the global vacation destination Vancouver Island (Canada), Louey has been dedicated to the luxury hospitality industry since he was 16 years old, which has given him the expertise to help make this company successful. Having completed his studies abroad enabled him to acquire the skills to speak fluently in 6 languages, and he loves to be able to attend to clients in their native tongue whenever possible. As a lover of good food, wine, surf, has helped make him the happy and dedicated person he is today.

Jessica Bulacar


A true local, Jessica grew up in San Isidro, where she completed her university studies (Business Admin & Economics). Soon after, she traveled and worked abroad to learn a second language. After several positions in marketing and business management with very successful companies, Jessica found that Property Management was the niche for her. With years of experience working with both corporate level and local business clients, Jessica is always looking for ways to extend her local business knowledge.

Our Commitment

We care deeply about providing the highest quality of service. What matters to you, matters to us. We make guest experiences extraordinary!